SCOG Worship
Our Worship ministry is a vital part of our gatherings. We believe in coming together to worship God when we meet as the body of Christ. There are many ways you can get involved from serving on a team or in the Worship Choir to simply taking part in our Worship time each Sunday Morning. You will experience worship music that is diverse applying blended worship to bridge generations and different cultures together as one.

Worship Ministry Opportunities
Praise Team
Vocals serving in the Praise Team serve on a rotation 1-2 times a month. Individuals serving on this team have rehearsals twice a week. Members of this team must be able to learn music quickly and adapt to different voicings.

Praise Band
Individuals serving in the Praise Band serve on a rotation 3-4 times a month. Individuals serving on this team have rehearsals twice a week. Members of this team must be able to come to rehearsals knowing their parts and be willing to commit to practicing on their own.

Worship Choir
The worship choir serves once a month in our morning services. Individuals serving in this ministry must commit to two rehearsals a month.